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Your Moon Phase

2021 Gift Guide for Moon Lovers

2021 Gift Guide for Moon Lovers

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Are you searching for the perfect gifts to use as stocking stuffers during the 2021 holiday season? This year, delight your loved ones with zodiac jewelry, astrology accessories, and other spiritual presents that embrace the power of the cosmos. Click below to find the perfect selection.

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Perfecting Your Morning Routine with Your Moon Phase

Perfecting Your Morning Routine with Your Moon Phase


Morning routines are so important because they offer a wide range of mental, physical, and spiritual benefits. It can seem daunting to create a morning routine and stick to it every day, but the benefits are worth it. Once you’ve gotten into your routine, you’ll be amazed by how much better you feel overall.

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Which Netflix Series Should You Watch Based on Astrology

Which Netflix Series Should You Watch Based on Astrology

We are currently living in the Golden Age of Television. There are more shows and movies to watch now than ever before. With so much content readily available at our fingertips, it can be hard to decide what to stream. Find out which Netflix original series is perfect for you based on your zodiac sign.

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Which Greek God/Goddess Aligns With Your Zodiac?

Which Greek God/Goddess Aligns With Your Zodiac?


The date of your birth determines your horoscope and zodiac sign. Your astrological sign will influence you throughout your life by affecting your moods, desires, and personality traits. Which Greek god or goddess is associated with your zodiac sign? Understanding this information could help you harness your inner powers and reach your true potential.

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Perfect Gifts for Scorpios

Perfect Gifts for Scorpios

Scorpio season falls between October 23 and November 22 every year. During this time, the energies of the cosmos can deeply impact your moods and desires. Individuals who were born under the Scorpio zodiac sign will be especially affected by this astrological season. For many people, this season is an exciting time of year that provides a boost to their motivation, passion, and emotions.
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How Understanding Your Moon Sign Can Improve Your Relationships

How Understanding Your Moon Sign Can Improve Your Relationships

Your moon sign is an important indicator of your moods, desires, and emotional needs. When you understand your moon sign, you can channel that cosmic energy into positive growth and use it to improve your relationships. The forces that influence your inner self can be controlled once they are understood. Read this guide to discover how your moon sign impacts your emotional needs and what that means for your relationships.
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Turn the Moon Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Turn the Moon Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, making it more important than ever before to come together and fight for the cure. You can help by spreading awareness about this disease and educating others about their health. Empower the women in your life this year by joining forces to support this important cause.

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October Influencer Highlight - Logan aka The Biz Witch

October Influencer Highlight - Logan aka The Biz Witch

Happy Witch-tober! Meet Logan our October Influencer of the month! Take a dive into her journey with being a mom, a CEO and how she never felt she fit in with organized religion. Her love for crystals led to her spiritual journey and guides her as a business woman and a leader. 
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Spooky Gifts to Prepare for Halloween

Spooky Gifts to Prepare for Halloween

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Halloween is right around the corner, and it’s time to start getting into the spooky spirit. This year will be a truly special occasion because October 2020 features two full moons. The month will begin with a full moon on October 1st and then end with another full moon on Halloween night, October 31st. The last time that a full moon occurred on Halloween night was in 2001. This year, the full moon on Halloween night will be a rare blue moon.

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Why Voting is Important for Each Zodiac Sign

Why Voting is Important for Each Zodiac Sign

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The 2020 election is right around the corner and American citizens across the country are preparing to cast their vote. Have you decided which candidate you’ll be voting for yet? Your zodiac sign may play a role in how you fill out your ballot, since it influences your values, motivations, and desires. If you’re feeling uncertain about this upcoming election, reviewing your birth chart could give you the insight that you need. Find out why voting this year is m...

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The Astrological Impact of the 2020 September Equinox

The Astrological Impact of the 2020 September Equinox

The 2020 September Equinox signals the changing of the seasons and the evolution of the energy within yourself. This exciting cosmic event will have a profound influence over each zodiac sign. What does this upcoming autumn have in store for you? The forces of change that come with the beginning of a new season can add chaos or clarity to your life.

The Autumnal Equinox is a powerful symbol of change because it m...

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What Hobbies Should You Try in Quarantine According to Astrology

What Hobbies Should You Try in Quarantine According to Astrology

Self-isolation has inspired many people to pick up a new hobby. Although staying at home is the safest thing you can do right now, it can get boring quickly. How can you pass the time in quarantine while staying safe? This list of unique indoor hobbies will guide you toward the activity you should try. Continue reading to discover the best hobby for you according to your zodiac sign.

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