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Which Halloween Costume to Wear Based on Zodiac Sign

Spooky season is upon us and Halloween is right around the corner. It’s time to start planning how you want to celebrate and more importantly, which costume to wear. This decision can be incredibly difficult. Halloween costumes can be scary, funny, sexy, cute, or creative. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. If you’re having trouble choosing a costume to wear, consider reading your Halloween horoscope and making a decision based on your zodiac sign.

Aries - Vampire

Aries are bold, confident, and fierce individuals. They don’t shy away from a challenge, and they certainly aren’t afraid of the dark. Dress up as a vampire this year to become the official ruler of the night. Wear plastic fangs with fake blood for an extra creepy look.

Taurus - Devil

Taurus is known for being feisty and creative. Put your makeup and design skills to the test this year by transforming yourself into a devil. There are many different ways to interpret this costume depending on your personal tastes. This devilish look can be scary, sexy, or cute depending on which outfit you pair with your horns.

Gemini - Pumpkin

Geminis are often clever, silly, and approachable. Dressing as a big, orange pumpkin or happy Jack-o'lantern are great costume ideas for this zodiac sign. You’re sure to get some laughs at the Halloween party in this adorable outfit.

Cancer - Ghost

Cancers are known for being down to earth, relatable individuals. For this reason, a classic, comfortable costume is the ideal choice. All you need is a white sheet to create this timeless look. If you want to design something more creative and eye-catching, you can dress as a specific, well-known ghost, like Bloody Mary or The Flying Dutchman.

Leo - Cat

Leo is a zodiac sign represented by the lion, so it’s only fitting that Leos dress as ferocious felines this Halloween. Much like cats, people born beneath this sign are independent, ambitious, and loyal. Honor your horoscope by dressing as a powerful lion, a stripey tiger, or a traditional black cat. 

Virgo - Angel

Virgos are characterized as being delicate, nurturing, and attentive. Listen to your heart and show off your sensitive nature with a lovely angel costume this year. Dress in soft, white fabrics and don’t forget your halo.

Libra - Mummy

Libras are dependable and considerate people with a love of traditions. They love classic, reliable Halloween costumes like mummies. To dress up as a mummy, all you need is a roll of toilet paper and convincing stagger. To take your look to the next level, include ancient Egyptian artifacts like a burial mask or sceptre.

Scorpio - Witch

Scorpio is a sign of mystery, elegance, and authority. Dressing as a witch will allow you to tap into these powers and rule the night as a magical being. The energy from the Halloween moon will enchant you. 

Sagittarius - Pirate

Sagittarius is prone to curiosity and adventure. For that reason, dressing as a fearless pirate is a natural costume choice. Get ready to explore the seas and find hidden treasure this Halloween.

Capricorn - Frankenstein

Capricorns are determined, intelligent, and resourceful individuals. They also often love to read, which makes the literary costume of Frankenstein that much more appealing. Paint your face green and use makeup or art prosthetics to add nuts, bolts, and fake scars or stitches.

Aquarius - Mermaid

Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, which gives this zodiac sign a natural connection to the sea. Dressing as a mermaid is a fun way to feel like you are one with the ocean. Whether you dress as a classic mermaid or as the powerful Poseidon, this outfit is sure to make a splash. The moon will pull at your inner tides on Halloween night and energize your spirit.

Pisces - Skeleton

Pisces is known for being cheerful, motivated, and understanding. Dressing up in a traditional costume, like a spooky skeleton, is the perfect choice for getting a Pisces in the mood for Halloween. Show off your bright white bones and your inner beauty in a classic skeleton costume this year.

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